Posted in parenting

Coffee and babble

I am havent a very stubborn bout of depression. I cant seem to find my ambition to save my life. I feel pretty strongly that the CPS situation and my dads cancer are mentally kicking my ass.

I seriously want to shut down but that will only make things worse.

I tried to just relax and spend time with hubby this weekend. I did organize my pantry and that has been driving me nuts for some time now. So I should feel good about that.

I have phone calls to make, I really need a shower and to go to the grocery store, but nasty cramps are just draining me further.

I really need to find positive things to fucus on. I read a book over the weekend, and gave my puppy a bath. Ive been very grateful that my puppy is so clingy since snuggling her is so comforting.

Today is presidents day or something so a lot of offices are closed, which buys me a day with no appointments, but i stayed in bed till nearly noon. Well, ok, i’m technically still in bed, but I’m awake and having coffee.


Im a stay at home mom of 3, and the ringleader of a very chaotic home, trying to juggle the needs and challanges of our chaotic household by relying heavily on the system.

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